Montag, 30. März 2015

Until you rise

Str. 1
The time of moaning is finally over
Hesitation is getting you nowhere
Get on your feet and run through the fire
There is no second chance no price to desire
Get on your feet and don't be coward
Get on your fucking feet and finally start

Oh My heart is giving me freedom
Rip it out it won't stop beating
Forget you past, conquer your pride
Raise your fist scream I am alive/
Nothing will change until you rise

Str. 2
I am alive I'm' rising out of my grave
I move forward to an unknowing place
I don't need burdens for knowing my goals
I take the jump and I want to fall
I want to fall and get up again
I am alive I know there's no end

Str. 3
When there is fear just realize
You won't succeed until you rise
When you feel down just realize
You won't succeed until you rise
Just go ahead and realize
You won't succeed until you rise
Get on your feed and realize
You won't succeed until you rise

Get up, conquer your pride
Nothing will change until you rise
Raise up one more time (x)

Donnerstag, 26. März 2015

Cheerless days

Str 1
Cheerless we live day after day
Tied by sorrow and can't get away
Pretended love is bringing me down
Cause it's the real one that I never found

I don't drown in the sea in the sea of melancholy
Save me
Tell me please what you see in the sea of melancholy 
Save me 

Str 3
My inner soul is surrounded by bliss
Cause Sin and doubt is all that i kiss
The shy little girl is all that they see
That's the reason and no one needs me
I will go and stay alone in my cave
And Pride and Hope will giving me faith
Pride and Hope is what I can't stand
shut up and give me your hand

I don't drown in the sea in the sea of melancholy
Save me
Tell me please what you see in the sea of melancholy 
Save me 

Str 3
a bloody hand a broken mirror .
repair it for me I can't forget her. 
But I can't forget and love myself
instead of war I'm crying for help
a black horizon mirrors the night
I still need a hero who stays by my side
pls redeem me and  set me free
I drown in my own melancholy

Am I finally at the end
I dare you to say that again
Pls redeem me cause i cannot stand

What is your problem just grab my fucking hand
I don't drown
I survive 

Samstag, 21. März 2015


Was ist für dich ein wahrhaftig vollkommener Moment ? Ein Moment in dem die Zeit stillsteht und du dich einfach fallen lassen willst. Für mich ist dieser Moment das hier und jetzt. Die Luft ist so unschuldig rein, der Himmel träumerisch Blau und ein Gefühl von Freiheit umgibt mich. Gemeinsam mit mir selbst schwebe ich unter dem Horizont Richtung Unendlichkeit und hoffe, dass dieser Augenblick nie zu Ende geht. Die Erde ist nicht mehr als eine Fassette meiner bedeutungslosen Vergangenheit, ich will mich von ihr lossagen und frei sein. Wie ein Vogel fliege ich durch die Lüfte und genieße den Wind der an mir vorbeizieht. Doch etwas stört die absolute Vollkommenheit. Die verzweifelten Schreie meiner Freundin verzerren die Idylle und holen mich zurück in das hier und jetzt. Sie sagt irgendetwas von Reißleine und, dass wir nicht mehr viel Zeit hätten. Zeit ? Was ist schon Zeit wenn man eins mit der Unendlichkeit ist. Wenn man ein Teil des Großen und Ganzen ist. Wenn man seine irdischen Fesseln und alle menschlichen Bürden abgelegt und endlich fre......

Donnerstag, 19. März 2015

Love a matter of emptiness

Your love is matter of emptiness
All Your lies are things you won't confess
What will you do with that rotten soul
What will you do to fill the black hole
Your love (4x)


Apathy tries to conquer your heart
And time gives you no reason to start
You will forget you innermost pain
No fear no love it's always the same
It's too late you went fucking insane


Where will you go to bury your heart
Where will you to avoid te dark
Sweet poison runs out of your veins
the piece of art no one could paint
The art of someone who went insane


Your love is matter of emptiness
All Your lies are things you won't confess
Your pride is just an vindication.
Your flaws result of broken patience.

House of Hurricanes

Before we met my mind was forsaken
But Since then the Hurricane is raging

Building castle in the wasteland
Sand under my feed sand in my hand
And every pepple symbols a thoughts
Day after day I'm shaping the cause

But sometime I don't know what it takes
It's getting dark my conscience awakes

I didn't chose to regret my past
I just chose to give up on hate

I dint't chose to forget
I just regret to forget
To many sins I cannot grasp
Take them away my love my fate 

The thoughts they fly a storm opens up
I raise up the walls  I cannot stop
And I'm the one inside the madhouse
The wind wrecks walls and any last doubt

Cause sometimes I don't know what it takes
It's getting dark my conscience awakes

Walls that fall
Thoughts to tall
You changed me (2x)
It's not me
It is you 

I dint't chose to forget
I just regret to forget

Sonntag, 15. März 2015

Facing the nightmare

Can you feel the purest strain of fear
Can you hear the whisper in your ear
The nightmare hunts you, you're the prey
Ignite your heartfire and find your way 

Screams are diamond and silence is gold 
Refuse to hear what nightmares have told 

Draining my blood while I'm dreaming a curse
Silent hope will never quenching its thirst
There's  a deeper fall than just giving up
Things more faithful than misfortune or  luck
Come with me I know what it takes
Come with me the darkness awaits

Fears to look forward and  anguish to share
Together we march into the  worst nightmare
And though it's so cold and paths will be dark
It does matter together we march (2x)

Keep on marching and face the nightmare (x2)

Now you are awake the curse isn't over
It's the time to scream to scream loud and louder
Not because you're afraid  but you're free now
Ignite the lights even the smallest glows 


Keep on marching and face the nightmare (x)

Can you feel the purest strain of fear
Can you hear the whisper in your ear

Freitag, 6. März 2015

Spiegelbild und Horizont

Der eigenen Sehnsucht voraus
geht mein Blick dort ans Ende der Welt
Zwischen uns steht die Vergangenheit

Die Welt mit gehässigem Applaus
die mich fest an meinem Standpunkt hält
versperrt jeden Weg ins Himmelsweit